Blog: News

Giving solace, smiles … and pineapples. 

April 7th 2024 marked the 30th anniversary of the start of the 1994 Rwandan genocide when almost 1 million people were killed in 100 days. One way in which people are being helped to rebuild their lives is by growing pineapples! As a result, the children in these households are growing up in an environment that is more holistically healthy in terms of their mental, emotional, intellectual and physical growth.
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Born Free

HIV is one of the biggest challenges faced by more than one million pregnant women globally each year and our story shows how one women in Eswatini overcame this challenge and is now helping other women to do the same. This is a story of hope.
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Building Up Communities In Kenya

Our most recent project in Kenya is working in an area inhabited by the Kamba community. 50% of the community is made up of children and most families eat what they grown in their own gardens. But the land there is dry and the rain is unreliable so food is not plentiful and children’s health suffers because of the lack of nutrition, clean drinking water and sanitation.
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Ukraine 1 Year Update

One year ago this week, Russia invaded Ukraine, driving millions from their homes, destroying cities and beginning a war which, 12 months on, appears to have no end in sight. Read about the work that Team Hope have been doing to support displaced Ukrainians and how we will assist with the longer term needs now developing for the many people who fled their homes at short notice and need help adapting to new realities.
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Stories from Ukraine-1 Year On

Read the stories of the families assisted by Team Hope through our partners in Ukraine, Moldova, Romania and Transnistria in the year since Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
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Team Hope Ukraine Appeal, 6-month update

6 months ago the news of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shocked the world. Since then at least 12 million Ukrainians have fled their homes with over 5 million leaving the country entirely in search of safety. Team Hope have been working with our partners to help those in Ukraine as well as in the neighboring countries of Romania and Moldova to support refugees.
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Hope after Darkness

Last year we got the news that a children’s centre that Team Hope support in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) had been destroyed and burned when violence erupted between rival militia groups. Since then...
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