Blog: Changing Communities

Espérance’s Chance at Hope 

By being part of this project Espérance is now able to offer her children a more healthy, safe and secure life and an education that will give them more opportunities to become parents who can do the same and more for their own children. 
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What a difference 3 hours makes 

This time last year women and girls in Nzewani community spent an average of 3 hours per day collecting water for their families, for their crops and for their livestock.  For some it was double that time.  There were no days off. Now they have both clean water and time. Time to grow crops, time to make an income, time to live.
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Giving solace, smiles … and pineapples. 

April 7th 2024 marked the 30th anniversary of the start of the 1994 Rwandan genocide when almost 1 million people were killed in 100 days. One way in which people are being helped to rebuild their lives is by growing pineapples! As a result, the children in these households are growing up in an environment that is more holistically healthy in terms of their mental, emotional, intellectual and physical growth.
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Born Free

HIV is one of the biggest challenges faced by more than one million pregnant women globally each year and our story shows how one women in Eswatini overcame this challenge and is now helping other women to do the same. This is a story of hope.
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Water is Flowing!

In South East Kenya Team Hope has a new project that is helping to get safe running water to communities. On December 12nd 2023, in Nzewani Community, water stared flowing freely for the first time from 200 meters underground! The new borehole was celebrated as the best Christmas present ever for the 1,800 + children living in this community – a gift that will keep on giving for many years to come.
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Kabagali Pineapple Project

Team Hope’s Rwandan partners work with survivors or the 1995 genocide against the Tutsi people. Our most recent project with them aims to improve the income capacity of residents in Kabagali. The project is called “The Kabagali Pineapple Project”! And as you might guess, involves growing a lot of pineapples!
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Building Up Communities In Kenya

Our most recent project in Kenya is working in an area inhabited by the Kamba community. 50% of the community is made up of children and most families eat what they grown in their own gardens. But the land there is dry and the rain is unreliable so food is not plentiful and children’s health suffers because of the lack of nutrition, clean drinking water and sanitation.
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Ways to make a difference

The children who receive your shoeboxes come from communities affected by poverty where they often face deep challenges. Communities often struggle with issues like a lack of clean water, the inability to provide balanced, nutritious meals each day,  poor healthcare, low incomes and exclusion. That’s why the shoeboxes that they receive make such a difference! 
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A local roadside shop in Kenya on a sunny day

Addressing the Water Crisis in Rural Kenyan Communities

 Has your water ever been turned off? If it has you’ll probably have had the realisation of how vital it is for so many things – cooking, cleaning, flushing the toilet, drinking. No one understands the importance of water better than Team Hope’s partners in Kenya.
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