The Christmas Shoebox Calendar

The big idea

Our Christmas Shoebox Appeal officer, Theresa, came up with this amazing way of spreading her shoebox shopping over the whole year and of keeping track of what she already has (which can be the hardest part!)

You can print off a copy of our new calendar here to stick on your fridge or where ever you keep your shoebox stash!

Print yours!

“You can keep the Christmas Shoebox Appeal fresh in your mind throughout the year and make the process of filling your box that little bit easier.  Why not find an item every month to put in your box and see it grow over the year?  You could save some pocket money and buy a bar of soap in January or find a cuddly toy that you don’t play with any more and put in it your box in August. Perhaps you could learn to knit and make a woolly hat or scarf in June.  Watch your box grow every month and in November you will have a box ready to send.  Thank you!”


What to add

Every month when you’re picking something up to add to your Christmas Shoebox, keep in mind who your making your box(es) for.

Age groups:




Here are some ideas for each category that you might add to your shoebox:


For other great ideas follow us on social media and check out our Christmas Shoebox Appeal page.
